Friday, January 30, 2009

We are all of the same general consensus that a positive attitude is great. Plain and simple, end of story, end of article. Sorry, this is a lot more complicated then we think. Having any type of mental attitude is based on a mindset.

An inherent perception of what is comfortable in our thoughts and what is not, what we perceive to be true and what is not. You also have to throw in the idea of how opinionated you are. Where you first created those opinions and how strongly you feel about your opinions, makes a huge difference in changing your attitude.

It has been proven that people do attract people, circumstances, opportunities, and emotional conditions that are the same as themselves or that projected emotional field. In short, like attracts like. You have probably heard volumes about the Law of Attraction from various sources. Remember that if a lot of people are agreeing then there must be some truth in the facts.

Stress can be combated by a positive attitude or a positive mindset. Unfortunately you have to go fairly deep, through layers of your mindset to get at the core of your limiting beliefs. It also takes time and persistence. The good news is the investment in you is never wasted.

These attitude changes, to really work must be done slowly, in small steps. By trying to change all at once, you will over lead your sense of reasoning and thought processes and become more stressed, more confused and generally overwhelmed.

You must learn to step back, analyze your issues and agendas, think with a clear creative mind and strongly enough positive insight will emerge. When you stop fighting this insight, you will find that the insight sensor in the pit of your stomach will alert you to incorrect thoughts, impressions and attitudes. You can trust, you because you is all that there is.

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